We will be closed from Feb 23 to Apr 6 due to Ramadan break.

Words of Support

The Darul Iftaa is grateful to receive words of support from numerous ulama in various parts of the world. Some of those kind words have been reproduced below, with permission.

I have known Mufti Abrar Mirza since 2007, when we began studying various texts together online. He then enrolled at the Darul Iftaa under Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahib, where I was a teacher. I have always known Mufti Abrar to be extremely dedicated and hard-working.

Mufti Abrar’s relationship and interactions with his students reminds one of the loving relationship Mufti Ebrahim Sahib had with his students. 

I have been honoured with teaching at Darul Iftaa Chicago for a few years now and was elated when Mufti Abrar showed me the features of the new website.

I make dua that Allah Ta’ala accept his efforts and make this website a source of guidance for the Ummah.


Husain Kadodia
Durban, South Africa

Mf. Husain Kadodia is a recognized expert in the Hanafi madhhab, collector of Islamic manuscripts, owner of Tahawi Books, and instructor at Darul Iftaa Chicago and Darul Uloom Hameediyyah (Durban). He was an instructor at the Darul Iftaa at Madrasah Inaamiyyah during Mf. Abrar Mirza's iftaa studies, and Mf. Abrar studied privately with him for an additional two years.

I am pleased to hear that Mufti Abrar Mirza Saheb is launching a Q&A website catering for questions from the general public. 

Masha-Allah, I can attest to the fact that our honourable Ustaad Marhoom Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb (rahmatullahi alayhi) had placed great confidence and immense reliance on Mufti Abrar Saheb. Having earned the support and Duas of our Ustaad, I am convinced that his latest project will be most beneficial. 

It is further hoped that this project will, to some degree, fill the void created by the discontinuation of the Askimam website, which has proven to be highly popular. 

One great challenge, amongst many others, for Ulama in the “West” is to be true to our Islamic values and rich tradition, and to avoid the temptation to fit into contemporary society by subtly and discretely liberalising the Deen. It is my fervent Dua that Allah Ta’ala keeps Mufti Abrar Saheb and his team on the Siraatul Mustaqeem at all times, protects them from all negative factors, and accepts all their efforts. The ultimate focus should be that, on the Day of Qiyaamah, when we appear before Allah Ta’ala, we see the fruits of all these efforts on the scale of our good deeds. Aameen.

Emraan Vowda
Durban, South Africa

Mf. Emraan Vowda is a leading advocate of the High Court in South Africa and a teacher of Mf. Abrar Mirza. He was the Deputy Mufti at Madrasah Inaamiyyah during Mf. Abrar's iftaa studies.

Bismihi Taa'la

All praise to Allah who has blessed us with Imaan and sent unto mankind the best of His creation, Nabi Muhammed صلى الله عليه وسلم with a perfect way of life that if followed, will earn one eternal bliss and happiness in this world and the Hereafter.

Allah has blessed us with a complete Deen that directs one through the different aspects of life from birth to death. The Quraan Sharif and Ahadith are our recipes for success in this world and the hereafter. The Fuqaha (jurists) who were chosen by Allah for the protection of His Deen have explained to us the intricate matters of our day to day life in such a manner that every action of ours can be in conformance to the Quraan Sharif and Ahadith. 

In this age of technological advancement and so-called "enlightened" thinking, our Deen is absolutely relevant and practical as our Deen is based on Fitra (human nature). This is apparent by the various rulings issued by the various ulama and Muftiyaan of our times that address so many contemporary issues that guide us according to the Quraan and Sunnah. 

As Muslims, we should never be apologetic about our Deen and never be influenced by our surroundings that Deen is for the yesteryears or needs to be adjusted to current times. 

Allah, therefore, creates among us individuals in different places to protect His Deen. We see in the recent times, alot of effort through the work of Dawat and Tabligh and other avenues are taking place around the world and in particular in the Northern Hemisphere resulting in the greater awareness of Learing, practicing and propagating Deen in that region. 

One such individual among many others who Allah has accepted for this noble cause of guiding the Ummah through Fiqh and Iftaa is my learned colleague and beloved, Mufti Abrar Mirza Saheb Sallamahu Taa'la. His work in training Ulama in the post graduate courses of Iftaa has seen remarkable acceptance and yielded positive results in the USA and abroad.

The launch of the new website under the supervision of Mufti Abrar Mirza, is an ideal go to resource for day to day guidance in various fields of Ibadaat (worship), Muamalaat (Finance and economics), Muasharat ( social matters) etc. 

It is our humble Dua, Allah takes this initiative as well as Darul Iftaa Chicago, from strength to strength, let its branches grow far and wide, make its fruits blossom throughout the world and be a source of guidance and light for the entire world. Ameen

Mohammed Zakariyya Desai
Camperdown, South Africa

Mf. Zakariyya Desai is the principal at Madrasah Inaamiyyah and was the Assistant Mufti at its Darul Iftaa during Mf. Abrar Mirza's iftaa studies.

In the last few years, under the dedicated leadership of Mufti Abrar Mirza, Darul Ifta Chicago has earned significant credibility among students of knowledge, establishing itself as one of the largest institutions for Ifta training. Now, it is embarking on a crucial initiative. Muslims residing in the West require Fiqhi guidance on various issues that Muftis from many Muslim countries may not fully comprehend. This initiative aims to support the Muslim community in America and Western countries to live in accordance with Shariah. I pray for the success of this project.

May Allah accept.

Yasir Nadeem al-Wajidi
Chicago, IL

Mf. Yasir Nadeem al-Wajidi is the president of Burhan Academy, an instructor at the Institute of Islamic Education and al-Hussnain Seminary, an author in different Islamic sciences, and one of the primary fiqh teachers of Mf. Abrar Mirza during his Alim course.

The Darul Iftaa was a great addition to the Institute of Islamic Education's services, and in a very short period of time of seven years and under the supervision and leadership of Mufti Abrar Sahib, it has produced 25 graduates who are leading the community throughout North America. Now, as part of expansion of its scope, the Darul Iftaa is opening its door for the public to benefit from it directly by seeking and consuming the Sharia verdicts in important affairs related to all parts of life.

I pray that Allah Ta'ala accepts this effort and makes it a means of great benefit for the American and global Muslim community. Ameen.

Sulaiman Saleem
Chicago, IL

Ml. Sulaiman Saleem is the president of the Institute of Islamic Education and a teacher of Mf. Abrar Mirza.

Bismillahi Ta'ala

All praises are for Allah, the most benevolent, the most kind, the most articulate, and the most eloquent, Ameen.

From my earliest of days spent at Darul Iftaa under Mufti Ebrahim Desai rahimahullah, I looked up to our dear Mufti Abrar Mirza Saheb. I recall from one of many counseling sittings with Mufti Ebrahim during our work meetings, wherein he echoed his guidance to me. "Always maintain good ta'luq (contact) with Mufti Abrar of Chicago" he said. "He has the malaka (expertise) of taking something good and making it great." This would spur me to closely read fatawa penned by Mufti Abrar Saheb even before he had graduated.

Since then I have followed Mufti Abrar Mirza Saheb in his endeavors. In the last decade and more, I have immensely benefited from Mufti Abrar's work. And yet, there was always a yearning and desire to have access to fatawa penned by his students under him. This day brings me great joy that Darul Iftaa Chicago's fatawa are being compiled, curated and published in one website. 

As they say, "Only a jeweler knows a diamond’s true worth". I implore general laity to sift through the website and read through the fatawa in their entirety. The students of knowledge must dive deeper into the references to see how the fatwas have been meticulously curated keeping true to the academic temperament from Qur'an and Sunnah, all while deliberating on the ahwaal (situational occurrences) around us in a traditional manner. 

Alhamdulillah, the website provides a fresh, vibrant and much needed introspective on contemporary issues. I have nothing but du'as for Mufti Abrar Saheb as well as the entire team behind this website, including all the students whose unending exertion has brought forth this nugget of gold.

May Allah accept it from all who have been involved in it, and may Allah include us within its fruits, Ameen

Faisal al-Mahmudi
Edmonton, Alberta (CA)

Mf. Faisal al-Mahmudi runs Darul Iftaa Canada and is the president of ilmHub.

Fiqh is often translated and described as the rules of Sharīʿah and Islamic law. When we think of Fiqh as rules and laws, we envision abstract statements that are external to humans, merely rules of governance. However, this is a narrow portrayal of the term Fiqh. In its original usage, Fiqh signifies a deep understanding of the religion. Sayyidunā Mu’awiyah (Raḍiallāhu ʿanhu) narrates that Sayyidunā Rasūlullah ﷺ said, “To whomever Allah wills goodness, He grants him understanding of the religion” [Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī].

Understanding encompasses more than just legal statements and rules. Fiqh, as understanding, is a deeply human endeavour since humans are the locus of understanding. Understanding is a rational process, a capacity endowed to humans by Almighty Allah, enabling them to engage in Tadabbur, Tafakkur, and Tafaqquh.

Hence, when we speak about Fiqh, we are referring to a profoundly human attempt to discern and understand. Fiqh becomes an understanding of a coherent system, wisdom, underlying ethical values and norms, patterns in guidance, and ultimately a path leading to a desired outcome. Fiqh is about trying to comprehend what Allah desires from us in a particular moment, requiring us to exercise our rational faculties and apply them to understand revealed knowledge.

The above requires experts who had mastery in a plethora of disciplines. Almighty Allah created individuals and guided them to develop the enterprise of Fiqh. In the second century, Allah raised the circle of Imam Abū Ḥanīfah, who exerted themselves in understanding the path to Allah. They excelled in understanding the system of Allah and the guidance of Allah for every given circumstance. Their sincere efforts led to their knowledge and understanding spreading far and wide. Students like Abū Muṭīʿ al-Balkhī took their Fiqh to Balkh, Abu Ḥafṣ al-Kabīr to Bukhara, and an entire Ḥanafi guild emerged in Iraq with figures like Karkhī, Jaṣṣāṣ, and al-Qudūrī. Imam al-Halwani and al-Sarakhsī became teachers to hundreds in Khurasān, Bukhara, and Samarqand. Later, during the Mamluk period in Cairo, we see a pluralistic legal society take shape where the likes of Ibn al-Ḥumām, Qāsim b. Quṭlūbughā and others came, extending the knowledge of the circle of Imam Abū Ḥanīfah in Miṣr. The Ottoman-Levantine stronghold of Fiqh emerged where thousands of Hanafi jurists continued the legacy of Imam Abū Ḥanīfah and his circle. All of these thousands of scholars, in their various centres and regions, were engaging with the Fiqh of Imam Abū Ḥanīfah.

Fiqh is a serious endeavour that requires complete submission and dedication. Imam Ḥāfiẓ al-Dīn al-Nasafī in al-Kāfī Fī Sharḥ al-Wāfī describes how Abu Saʿīd al-Bardaʿī (d. 317 AH), who studied under the grandson of Imam Abū Ḥanīfah Ismā’īl and Abū Alī al-Daqqāq and taught giants like Abū al-Ḥasan al-Kharkhī and Abū Ṭāhir al-Dabbās, had questions regarding a particular mas’alah in matters of Talāq and ʿItāq. Unable to find answers locally, he travelled to Baghdad and studied with the great Faqīh Abū Khāzim for four years. Imam al-Bardaʿī had read and studied Imam Muhammad’s al-Jāmiʿ al-Kabīr 400 times before coming to Baghdad! This truly illustrates the importance of deeply engaging in Fiqh and benefiting from the people of Fiqh.

I would like to commend our dear respected and beloved Mufti Abrar Mirza sahib (Dāmat Barakātuhum) for being part of this esteemed path, joining a rich heritage of Fuqahā’ who established circles of Fiqh in their regions. Mufti Abrar sahib has worked tirelessly for more than a decade to pioneer an American centre and region for specialisation in Hanafi Fiqh, continuing the legacy from the 2nd century of Kufa.

May Almighty Allah accept this effort, grant more Ikhlās, more Tawfīq, and spread the ʿilm and Fiqh of this blessed institution throughout the world until the Last Hour. Truly, Mufti Abrar Mirza is another gem, Karāmah, and fruit from the blessed tree of our beloved Shaykh and Teacher, Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Rahimahullah), who came for a short period, scattered his pearls and gems, and returned to Allah.

Faraz Adam
Leicester, United Kingdom

Mf. Faraz Adam is the managing director at Darul Fiqh, the head mufti at Darul Iftaa Muadh ibn Jabal, and the lead Sharia advisor at Amanah Advisors.

I completed the iftaa course approximately 20 years ago and have served as a mufti answering questions for the global community for the last 20 or so years. I have had the good fortune of working together with Mufti Abrar Mirza as a founding member of the American Fiqh Academy and during the writing of multiple Fiqh resolutions on contemporary issues. I have observed the establishment of his darul iftaa in Chicago and interacted with his students.

I have long emphasized the need for full-time students and Muftis in America dedicating themselves to research and answering questions. Muslims in North America often face a pressing Fiqh issue and are forced to refer to a darul iftaa overseas and communicate in a foreign language. 

Mufti Ebrahim Desai and his students have played an integral role for the global Muslim community through the askimam website and through their answering questions. Mufti Abrar has been involved in the running of this website from behind the scenes for years despite his other commitments.

I am extremely pleased to hear of the launching of a dedicated darul iftaa website by Mufti Abrar and his Darul Iftaa students. I pray that Allah accepts this important venture and uses it for the guidance of all of mankind until the Day of Judgment. Ameen

Abdullah Nana
Mill Valley, CA

Mf. Abdullah Nana is an imam at the Islamic Center of Mill Valley, founder of the halal certifying agency HFSAA, and a member of the Sharia Supervisory Board at UIF.

One of the most essential and vital services for the Muslim community is to answer the questions and queries related to their Dīn.

This was one of the functions of prophethood and their heirs after them.

They provided solutions to society’s problems, relieved the Ummah of confusions, and clarified misunderstandings and misconceptions.

Without this function of qualified scholarship that can answer the questions of the public, people will be compelled to ask their questions from the ignorant. These ignorant individuals will respond to the people's questions, even though they themselves are misguided, leading to further misguidance and widespread ignorance.

In an authentic Hadith, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) mentioned, "Verily, Allah does not take away knowledge by snatching it from the people, but He takes away knowledge by taking away the scholars (through their demise), until when no scholar remains, people will take ignorant ones as their leaders. They will be asked for religious rulings without knowledge, thus they are astray and will lead others astray." (Bukhari & Muslim)

Therefore, having a Darul Ifta with qualified scholars answering the questions and queries of the Muslim community is a great sign of hope in these times of confusion and fitnah.

This is why the service provided by Darul Iftaa Chicago is indispensable. It is a service that serves as a means of protecting the faith of many Muslim generations to come.

May Allah enable us to appreciate this great blessing, contribute to it with our prayers and financial support, and may He make it a source of guidance for the Ummah until the Day of Judgment.


Tameem Ahmadi
Fremont, CA

Ml. Tameem Ahmadi is the religious director at Masjid al-Huda, an instructor at Nur Institute and Darul Uloom al-Ashrafiyya, and an author and mentor in the field of spiritual rectification. 

Alhamdulillah, it is indeed an honor for me to support the noble efforts of my dear friend, classmate, and colleague, Mufti Abrar Mirza (may Allah grant him a long, blessed life).

Mufti Abrar continues to keep the legacy of our dear and beloved ustadh, the late Mufti Ebrahim Desai (may Allah have mercy on him) alive and well through his leadership and founding of Darul Iftaa Chicago, and now with a revolutionary Q&A website which presents curated and detailed fatawa. In an era of artificial intelligence and chatGPT, it is ever so crucial to have a resource of validity available to both scholars as well as non-scholars alike. I highly encourage and recommend everyone to utilize this resource and service. 

May Allah Ta’ala accept Mufti Abrar’s sacrifices and service for Deen, and make it a means of sadaqah jaariyah for him. Ameen. 

Asif Umar
St. Louis, MO

Mf. Asif Umar is the imam at the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis and was a classmate of Mf. Abrar Mirza during his Alim and iftaa studies.

We are pleased to know of the launch of Darul Iftaa US in Chicago, USA, under the esteemed guidance of Mufti Abrar Mirza. This initiative fulfills the final wish of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Rahimahullah), whose hopes and Duas were for his students to advance the critical and contemporary field of Fatawa. Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Rahimahullah) held Mufti Abrar in high regard, trusting in his capabilities.

Mufti Abrar Mirza (Hafidhahullah) has honored his beloved Ustadh by continuing his legacy with dedication and love.

Mufti Abrar studied the Iftaa course under the tutelage of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Rahimahullah) and remained under his academic and spiritual guidance for over a decade. He also served as the assistant Mufti during his Ustadh’s absence, earning his trust and Duas. Allah Ta’ala has endowed Mufti Abrar with exceptional skills in the field of Fatawa and Islamic jurisprudence.

The launch of this website brings us great joy, knowing that it would have made Mufti Sahib Rahimahullah extremely happy on this occasion.

It is our heartfelt Dua that Allah Ta'ala blesses Mufti Abrar Mirza (Hafidhahullah)'s noble efforts, granting the website Qubuliyyah, and making it a means of propagating Deen worldwide. May it also become an enduring source of Sadaqah Jariyah for both Mufti Abrar and his beloved Ustadh, Mufti Ebrahim Desai  (Rahimahullah).

May Allah Ta'ala enable Mufti Abrar Sahib and his team to carry forward this blessed legacy, instilling within them the noble qualities of their beloved Ustadh (Rahimahullah). Aameen.

Family of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (may Allah have mercy on him)
Durban, South Africa